Buy Requirement for Crude Sunflower Oil

Buyer From Iran

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Packing Terms: in Bulk
Shipping Terms: Destination port CFR

Requirement Details

We are a trading company from Iran with over 30 years of experience. We are currently seeking quotations from manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters for the following product requirement:

-    Product Name: 10000 Mt Crude Sunflower Oil
-    Buyer From: Iran
-    Quantity: 10,000 Metric Tons
-    Packing Terms: In Bulk

Purchase Specifications:
-    Purchase Criteria: Quality and price are the main factors. The oil must meet international standards.
-    B2B Buying Needs: We require reliable and consistent supply.
-    Business-to-Business Sourcing Preferences: Suppliers with experience in exporting to Iran will be preferred.
-    Purchasing Priorities: Competitive pricing and timely delivery are crucial.
-    Request for Quotation (RFQ): Please send your detailed quotation including all necessary information.

Please contact us with your quotation and terms if you can supply the requested crude sunflower oil.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Iran
Company Name: Setar xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Nahid xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +989127 xxxxxx

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