Buy Requirement fo 4" Paint Brush

Buyer From Nigeria

Product Category: Tools & Hardware
Buy Quantity: 30000 Pieces

Requirement Details

We are looking for reputable manufacturers or suppliers who can provide the following product:

  • Product Name: 4" Paint Brush
Buyer Details:
    -    Country: Nigeria
    -    Product Category: Tools & Hardware
    -    Quantity: 30,000 pieces
    -    Packing Terms: To be specified

Purchase Requirements:
    -    We need 4" paint brushes that come with a plain light background and are made from grey-colored fiber. These brushes will undergo further branding with our logo.

    -    Brush Size: 4 inches
    -    Background: Plain light background
    -    Fiber Color: Grey

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Nigeria
Company Name: Eddy xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Edith xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +234803 xxxxxx

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