Buy Requirement for 5 Ply Cartons

Buyer From United Arab Emirates

Product Category: Paper, Printing & Packaging
Buy Quantity: 2000 Boxes
Packing Terms: 55x33x53 cm

Requirement Details

We are a business based in the United Arab Emirates with a consistent requirement for 5 Ply Cartons. Specifically, we are in need of cartons sized 55x33x53 cm and anticipate an order size of over 2000 boxes monthly. Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters capable of fulfilling this demand are invited to provide their most competitive pricing for consideration.

Location: United Arab Emirates

Industry: Paper, Printing & Packaging

Quantity Needed: 2000 Boxes

Preferred Carton Size: 55x33x53 cm

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Arab Emirates
Company Name: Healt xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Nishe xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +971552 xxxxxx

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