Buy Requirement for Aluminium Ingots 99.7%

Buyer From United Kingdom

Product Category: Construction & Real Estate
Buy Quantity: 600000 Tons
Packing Terms: any
Shipping Terms: at port of destination

Requirement Details

We are in search of Aluminium ingots 99.7% for our ongoing projects in the construction and real estate sector. Our yearly requirement stands at a substantial 600,000 tons. The desired origin for shipping is China, and our preferred payment method is through a non-transferable DLC.

Packaging: We are open to various packaging terms that suit the product's safety and shipping requirements. Manufacturers and suppliers are invited to propose their best packaging solutions.

Criteria for Purchase:

  • Product Specification: Aluminium Ingots 99.7%
  • Annual Quantity: 600,000 tons
  • Shipping: China
  • Payment Terms: DLC Non-Transferable

We welcome manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters to provide their quotations in response to this RFQ (Request for Quotation). Kindly ensure that your proposal aligns with our B2B buying needs, sourcing requests, and purchasing priorities.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Kingdom
Company Name: Impor xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: brahi xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +447762 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement for Aluminium Ingots 99.7%

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