Aluminum Ferrules

Buyer From China

Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Buy Quantity: 10 Tons
Packing Terms: CIF Hong Kong
Shipping Terms: Please send us your best CIF Hong Kong price for product Aluminum DIN3093 (Standard EN13411-3) Oval Steel Wire Rope Ferrule with price validity, the cross-section with technical data and the soonest delivery for below.

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase Aluminum Ferrules for our business. The details of the purchase requirement are as follows:

Product Name: Aluminum Ferrules
Quantity: 10 Tons
Buyer Country: China
Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Packing Terms: CIF Hong Kong

We have listed the quantities needed for each size of ferrule below:

10mm ferrule: 800
14mm ferrule: 800
26mm ferrule: 300
30mm ferrule: 400
32mm ferrule: 200
34mm ferrule: 700
36mm ferrule: 400
38mm ferrule: 800
40mm ferrule: 800
48mm ferrule: 640
66mm ferrule: 200

Suppliers who are interested in this purchase requirement are welcome to contact us for further business communication.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: China
Company Name: Cheun xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Ms Wo xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +866251 xxxxxx

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