Buy Requirement for Aluminum Ingots A7 & A8

Buyer From Taiwan

Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Buy Quantity: 120000 Tons
Shipping Terms: FOB

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase a significant quantity of Aluminum Ingots A7 & A8 for our business in Taiwan. Our company, Yulong International Trade Co., Ltd., is in the Machinery & Industrial Supplies sector. We require a reliable supplier who can fulfill the following specifications:

  • Product Name: Aluminum Ingots A7 & A8
  • Quantity: 120,000 Tons

Purchase Details: We invite manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide us with a detailed quotation for the Aluminum Ingots A7 & A8. Please reach out to us via email, and we will promptly send you the Request for Quotation (RFQ) containing all the necessary purchasing information. Kindly submit your official quotation, including the best price and payment terms for our evaluation.

Additional Information:

  • Buyer Country: Taiwan
  • Authorized Contact: Chloe, Yulong International Trade Co., Ltd.

Purchase Criteria:

  • Origin: No Restrictions
  • Volume: A7 100,000 tons/monthly + A8 20,000 tons/monthly
  • Trading Term: FOB
  • Payment: T/T

Feel free to contact us for any clarifications or questions. We appreciate your prompt response. Thank you. 

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Taiwan
Company Name: Yulon xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Chloe xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +886422 xxxxxx

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