Buy Requirement - Aluminum UBC Cans & Aluminum Ingots

Buyer From Nigeria

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 100 Tons

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: Aluminum UBC cans and ingots 6063.

  • Buyer Country: Nigeria
  • Product or Business Line: Chemicals
  • Quantity: 100 Tons

Purchase Specifications:

  • Seeking Aluminum UBC cans and ingots 6063.
  • Quantity needed: 100 tons.
  • Packaging terms to be discussed.


  • Must meet quality standards for both products.
  • Competitive pricing and reliable delivery.
  • Open to quotations from various sources.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Nigeria
Company Name: Elega xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Igorb xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +234805 xxxxxx

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