Bisphenol A

Buyer From India

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 300 Metric Tons
Packing Terms: Standard packing
Shipping Terms: LC 90 days

Requirement Details

We are an Indian buyer looking for regular supplies of Bisphenol A.

We need a quantity of 300 metric tons. The product should be packed in standard packaging, either 25 kg bags or jumbo bags.

We are specifically looking for genuine and high-quality manufacturers or suppliers who can offer CIF prices with LC 90 / DA 90 Days. Please provide your quotation along with the manufacturer's name and COA (Certificate of Analysis).

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: ChemS xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Darsh xxxxxxxx
Company Address: Runwa xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +918169 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Bisphenol A

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