Request for Quotation - A7 or A8 Ingots

Buyer From India

Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
Buy Quantity: 500 Metric Ton
Packing Terms: 25kg packing
Shipping Terms: DLC

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase A7 or A8 ingots. We need suppliers who can meet our requirements and provide competitive quotations.

Product Details:
-    Product Name: A7 or A8 Ingots
-    Quantity Required: 500 Metric Tons per month
-    Packing Terms: 25kg per packing

Request for Quotation (RFQ):
-    Provide a detailed quotation including price, packing, and delivery terms.
-    Include any additional costs such as shipping or handling.
-    Mention any minimum order quantities or bulk discounts.

Contact Information:
-    Buyer Location: India
-    Contact Details: Please respond with your contact information for further discussions.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name:
Zenos xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Zeno xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+919447 xxxxxx

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