Buy Requirement for Aluminium Ingots A7

Buyer From India

Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
Buy Quantity: 10000 Tons
Packing Terms: Pallets secured by metals scrap 20 FEET CONTAINER
Shipping Terms: CIF KOREA

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase Aluminium Ingots A7, with the following specifications:

  • Product Name: Aluminium Ingots A7
  • Quantity: 10,000 tons
  • Packaging: Pallets secured by metal scrap in 20-feet containers
  • Destination: CIF Korea
Detailed Requirements:
  • Grade required: Aluminium A7 purity
  • Packaging details: Pallets secured with metal scrap
  • Quantity needed: 10,000 tons
  • Shipping terms: CIF Korea

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Alpha xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Abdul xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +910940 xxxxxx

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