Purchase Requirements - Cargo Wear, Uniforms

Buyer From Argentina

Product Category: Security & Protection
Buy Quantity: 100 Units

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: Cargo Wear and Uniforms
-    Buyer From: Argentina
-    Quantity: 100 Units

We are looking for manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can provide a quotation for cargo wear and uniforms. Below are the details of our purchase requirements:

Product Specifications:
-    Type of Uniforms: Work uniforms suitable for various industries and farm use.
-    Material Quality: Durable and comfortable materials.
-    Design Features: Practical designs with pockets and adjustable elements.
-    Sizes Required: A range of sizes to fit all employees.

Please send your quotations and product catalogs to the email address provided. We look forward to reviewing your offers.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Argentina
Company Name:
Latam xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Aleja xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+541169 xxxxxx

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