Buy Requirement - Cashew Nuts

Buyer From United Arab Emirates

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Packing Terms: N/A
Shipping Terms: CIF/CNF/CFR/C&F

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement:
- Buyer Country: United Arab Emirates
- Product or Business Line: Agro & Agriculture
- Quantity: 28 Tons
- Packing Terms: N/A

Purchase Specifications:
- Seeking WW320 and WW240 grades.
- Reliable suppliers needed for long-term business.

RFQ (Request for Quotation):
- Interested manufacturers and suppliers are invited to provide detailed quotations.
- Quotations should include product specifications, pricing, and delivery terms.
- Long-term business partnerships are preferred.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Arab Emirates
Company Name: Nm Fo xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Ahad xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +971050 xxxxxx

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