Buy Requirement for EN590 10 PPM

Buyer From Kazakhstan

Product Category: Energy & Power
Buy Quantity: 2400000 Metric Ton
Packing Terms: Barrels
Shipping Terms: Shipping to port

Requirement Details

We need EN590 10 PPM for our energy and power needs in Kazakhstan.

Purchase Specifications:

  • Grade: EN590 10 PPM
  • Quantity: 2,400,000 Metric Tons
  • Packaging: Barrels

Purchase Criteria:

  • Quality: Must meet EN590 standards
  • Quantity: 200,000 Metric Tons initially, with potential for further business based on quality.

If you are a manufacturer, supplier, or exporter capable of providing EN590 10 PPM, please submit your quotations based on the specified requirements.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Kazakhstan
Company Name: Self xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Bilal xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +774783 xxxxxx

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