Purchase Requirements - Fresh Garlic

Buyer From United Kingdom

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 60 Tons

Requirement Details

Purchase Specifications:

  • We require 60 tons of fresh garlic.
  • The garlic should meet UK import regulations and standards.
  • Packaging should be sturdy and suitable for long-distance transportation.
  • We prefer F.O.B pricing for better cost control.

Purchase Criteria:

  • Freshness is paramount; garlic should be recently harvested.
  • Size consistency is desired for uniformity in culinary use.
  • Garlic bulbs should be free from damage or spoilage.
  • Packaging should be secure to prevent damage during transit.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Kingdom
Company Name: Hende xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Jonat xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +447459 xxxxxx

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