Buy Requirement for Frozen Chicken

Buyer From Malaysia

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 100000 Kilogram
Packing Terms: Bags

Requirement Details

Our company, Interglobe Biz Resources (Malaysia), seeks suppliers for frozen whole chicken to fulfill our large-scale order bound for Dubai. Halal certification is a prerequisite for shipment to Dubai. We aim for a long-term partnership with reliable suppliers capable of meeting our substantial demand. Please provide your WhatsApp number for further communication.

Purchase Specifications:

  • Product: Frozen Whole Chicken
  • Quantity: 100,000 Kilograms
  • Destination: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Certification Requirement: Halal Certification
  • Preferred Packing: Bags

Purchase Criteria:

  • Freshness and Quality Assurance
  • Compliance with Halal Certification Standards
  • Ability to Fulfill Large Quantity Orders
  • Long-term Supply Capacity
  • Competitive Pricing

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Malaysia
Company Name: Inter xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Pragh xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +601111 xxxxxx

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