Purchase Requirement - Garden Braided Hose

Buyer From India

Product Category: Textiles Leather & Jute
Buy Quantity: 1000 Kilogram
Packing Terms: Any
Shipping Terms: Lets discuss

Requirement Details

We are looking for reliable manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide quotations for the following product:

Product Name: Garden Braided Hose
Buyer Location: India
Quantity Required: 1000 Kilograms
Packing Terms: Flexible; open to suggestions.

Product Specifications:
Material: PP yarn (Polypropylene yarn)
Durability: Strong, long-lasting material suitable for outdoor use.
Flexibility: The hose should be easy to handle, bend, and store.
Water Pressure: Should withstand typical garden water pressure without damage or leakage.
Length and Diameter: Please specify available options.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name:
Airte xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Air xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+918700 xxxxxx

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