Product Requirement - HMS 1 and 2 Iron Scrap

Buyer From India

Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
Buy Quantity: 50 Tons
Packing Terms: Twenty feet container
Shipping Terms: CIF

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase HMS 1 and 2 Iron Scrap. Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters are requested to provide quotations based on the following details.

Purchase Details:
- Product Name: HMS 1 and 2 Iron Scrap
- Quantity Required: 50 Tons (Two twenty-feet containers)
- Packing Terms: Twenty-feet container

Additional Information:
- The buyer is located in India.
- Please include all relevant details in your quotation, including pricing, delivery times, and payment terms.
- Interested suppliers, manufacturers, or exporters are encouraged to send their best offers for this buy requirement.

Key Criteria:
- The quality of the iron scrap should meet standard HMS 1 and 2 specifications.
- Competitive pricing is required.
- Prompt delivery and clear terms for shipping and payment are important factors.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name:
Bmw T xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
AMEED xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+918940 xxxxxx

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