Buy Requirement Hospital Equipment

Buyer From Italy

Product Category: Health & Medical
Packing Terms: Container Packing
Shipping Terms: Flight Transportation

Requirement Details

We are looking to buy high-quality hospital equipment. Below are the details:

  • Product Name: Hospital Equipment
  • Buyer From: Italy
  • Quantity: 90,000,000,000,000 pieces
  • Packing Terms: Container packing
Purchase Criteria:
  • Pricing details
  • Minimum order quantity
  • Delivery timelines
B2B Buying Needs:
  • Reliable and efficient equipment
  • Prompt delivery
  • Competitive pricing
Please send your quotations with all the required details and contact us by email as soon as possible.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Italy
Company Name: Blue xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Steve xxxxxxxx
Company Address: Corso xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +393512 xxxxxx

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