Buy Requirement - LDPE Film Roll Scrap

Buyer From Bangladesh

Product Category: Rubber & Plastic Products
Buy Quantity: 1250 Tons

Requirement Details

We are seeking quotations from manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters for the following product:

Product Name: LDPE Film Roll Scrap
Buyer From: Bangladesh
Quantity: 1,250 Tons

Our purchasing requirement includes the following details:
  • Initial Order: 1 container (25-50 tons) of LDPE film roll scrap.
  • Potential Future Orders: If the initial shipment meets our standards, we will place a bulk order of at least 50 containers.
  • Packing Terms: Suitable packing to ensure safe transport and delivery of LDPE film roll scrap.
We are looking to import industrial plastic waste and other plastic waste for recycling and industrial use. Suppliers who can meet our volume and packing requirements are invited to submit a quotation.

Key Requirements:
  • Please ensure the quotation reflects competitive pricing for bulk orders.
  • Include details about the packing and shipping terms.
  • Provide lead times for shipment to Bangladesh.
We appreciate clear and prompt communication regarding product availability and terms. Interested suppliers should submit their quotations with all relevant information.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bangladesh
Company Name:
Reope xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Moham xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+880161 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - LDPE Film Roll Scrap
  • Buy Requirement - LDPE Film Roll Scrap

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