Buy Requirement for LDPE Film Scraps

Buyer From Egypt

Product Category: Rubber & Plastic Products
Buy Quantity: 22 Tons
Packing Terms: Container
Shipping Terms: Alexandria port

Requirement Details

Purchase Specifications:

  • Seeking bulk quantities of LDPE film scraps.
  • Delivery destination: Alexandria port, Egypt.
  • The buyer is located in Zurich, Switzerland.

Purchase Criteria:

  • LDPE film scraps are required in large quantities.
  • Suitable for shipping in containers.
  • Quality standards must be met. 
  • Quantity: 22 Tons 

  • Packing Terms: Container

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Egypt
Company Name: El Am xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Faisa xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +201559 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement for LDPE Film Scraps

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