Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg

Buyer From Canada

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 100000 Pieces
Packing Terms: International transport required
Shipping Terms: All the products should be in great quality and we will order a btach to check ourselves.

Requirement Details

We are a business in Canada that requires Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg for diamond polishing purposes. We are looking for reliable manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can fulfill the following purchase requirements:

Product Name: Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg
Quantity Required: 100,000 pieces
Packing Terms: Must be suitable for international transport

We need the suppliers to provide a quotation based on the following preferences:
-    Purchase Criteria: Competitive pricing, quality assurance, and on-time delivery.
-    B2B Sourcing Requests: Clear packaging standards, international shipment readiness, and bulk supply capability.
-    Business Priorities: Focus on quality consistency, cost-effectiveness, and a strong supply chain.
-    Delivery Requirements: Efficient and safe international transport to Canada.

If you are able to meet the above requirements, please contact us for further details and pricing discussions.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Canada
Company Name:
Dimin xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
mmm xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+151456 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Red Copper Sulphide 100 mg

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