Buy Requirement- caluanie muelear oxidize

Buyer From China

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 20 Litres

Requirement Details

We, as a buyer from China, are in search of a reliable and long-term supplier for a specific chemical product known as caluanie muelear oxidize. This chemical is crucial for our business in the field of chemicals. Our initial order will be 10 liters for testing purposes, and upon successful testing, we anticipate a regular monthly requirement of 20 liters.

Purchase Details:

  • Product Name: Caluanie Muelear Oxidize
  • Buyer Country: China
  • Business Line: Chemicals
  • Quantity: 20 Litres per month

Specifics: We require the product to be of US origin, and the supplier should be capable of shipping to Shenzhen, China. Potential suppliers are encouraged to reach out for further discussions.

Contact Information: Interested manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters, please contact us to discuss this opportunity further.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: China
Company Name: Kunmi xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Tommy xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +861598 xxxxxx

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