Buy Requirement - Copper Scrap

Buyer From Namibia

Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
Buy Quantity: 30 Tons
Packing Terms: Crates

Requirement Details

We're a buyer from Namibia in search of Copper scrap for our business dealing with Minerals & Raw Materials. We need 30 tons of Copper scrap, and we prefer it to be packed in crates. The transportation destination is Walvis Bay, Namibia, through the Zambezi border post. Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters capable of fulfilling this requirement are invited to provide us with a quotation.

Purchase Specifications:

  • Product Name: Copper scrap
  • Buyer Country: Namibia
  • Business Line: Minerals & Raw Materials
  • Quantity: 30 Tons
  • Packing Terms: Crates

Purchase Criteria: We are looking for reliable suppliers capable of meeting our B2B buying needs. The preferred mode of transportation is through the Zambezi border post to Walvis Bay, Namibia. Interested parties are encouraged to submit their quotations.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Namibia
Company Name: Maced xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Mahiy xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +264852 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Copper Scrap
  • Buy Requirement - Copper Scrap

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