Buy Requirement for Agricultural Machines and Tools

Buyer From Togo

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 1000 Pair

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Togo looking for reliable manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters of Agricultural Machines and Tools. Our purchase requirement includes 1000 pairs. We are open to large quantities and are seeking a trustworthy company to collaborate with. The packing terms will be discussed upon contact.

Purchase Specifications: We have specific criteria for the agricultural machines and tools we require. The products should meet our standards for quality and durability. We are interested in establishing a long-term partnership with a company that shares our commitment to excellence in Agro & Agriculture products.

RFQ - Request for Quotation: We invite manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide us with a detailed quotation for the specified quantity of agricultural machines and tools. Please include product details, pricing, and any additional information relevant to the purchase. We look forward to building a successful business relationship.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Togo
Company Name: Marks xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: MARTI xxxxxxxx
Company Address: 15 Ru xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +228989 xxxxxx

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