Buy Requirement for Copper Cathode

Buyer From Bangladesh

Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
Buy Quantity: 300 Tons
Shipping Terms: CFR

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Bangladesh looking for a reliable manufacturer, supplier, or exporter to provide us with 300 tons of copper cathode. This product falls under our business line of Minerals & Raw Materials. The purchase specifications include standard-quality copper cathodes, and we are open to negotiation on packing terms.

Our B2B buying needs emphasize the importance of securing a reliable source for copper cathode. We invite manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters to respond with their best quotations through our RFQ (Request for Quotation) process. The preferred method of communication is via email or WhatsApp.

Buyer Details:

  • Country: Bangladesh
  • Quantity: 300 Tons
  • Product or Business Line: Minerals & Raw Materials 

If you can supply the required quantity of copper cathode, please reach out to us. We look forward to establishing a mutually beneficial business relationship.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bangladesh
Company Name: Baset xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Md. A xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +880191 xxxxxx

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