Buy Requirement for Hyundai Parts

Buyer From Libya

Product Category: Automotive & Automobile
Buy Quantity: 10 Piece

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Libya seeking Hyundai Genuine Parts for our automotive needs. We require 10 pieces and are looking for manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide us with a competitive quotation. The product falls under the category of Automotive & Automobile.

Purchase Details:

  • Product Name: Hyundai Parts
  • Quantity: 10 Pieces
  • Business Line: Automotive & Automobile

Additional Information:
We invite manufacturers and suppliers to fulfill our B2B buying needs by submitting their quotations for Hyundai Genuine Parts. Our sourcing preferences include quality, reliability, and competitive pricing. Please provide details on your purchase specifications, criteria, and any relevant information to assist us in making informed purchasing decisions.

RFQ (Request for Quotation):
Interested parties are requested to submit their quotations for the specified quantity of Hyundai Parts. This is a formal request for a quotation, and we encourage suppliers to include all necessary details in their responses.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Libya
Company Name: Al Ba xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Nader xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +218928 xxxxxx

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