Buy Requirement for Lithium Ores

Buyer From China

Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
Buy Quantity: 1000 Metric Tons

Requirement Details

We are a buyer based in China, looking for reliable Manufacturers, Suppliers, or Exporters who can fulfill our purchase requirement for lithium ores. Our business line revolves around Minerals & Raw Materials, and currently, we require 1000 Metric Tons of lithium ores. The desired lithium content should be greater than 4%.

For packing terms, we are open to discussion and negotiation. We invite interested parties to provide us with their best quotations and relevant details regarding the lithium ores. This RFQ (Request for Quotation) is an essential part of our B2B sourcing requests, and we are keen on establishing a successful business partnership.

If you are a Manufacturer, Supplier, or Exporter capable of meeting our purchase specifications and criteria, we encourage you to respond promptly with your detailed quotation. This is a valuable B2B buying opportunity, and we look forward to considering offers from reliable and capable suppliers.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: China
Company Name: Sscr xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Ho An xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +861562 xxxxxx

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