Buy Requirement for Paraffin Wax

Buyer From Colombia

Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
Buy Quantity: 28 Tons
Packing Terms: 50 kg bags solid slabs
Shipping Terms: FOB

Requirement Details

Hello, suppliers! We need quality Kunlun 58/60 semi-refined paraffin wax to fulfill our candle manufacturing requirements. The ideal packaging would be 50 kg bags with solid slabs or plates. Please provide your best quotations.

Buyer Details:

Country: Colombia
Business Line: Minerals & Raw Materials
Quantity: 28 Tons
Packing Terms: 50 kg bags of solid slabs

Purchase Specifications: We are looking for Kunlun 58/60 semi-refined paraffin wax, specifically for candle manufacturing. The preferred packaging is 50 kg bags with solid slabs or plates. 

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Colombia
Company Name: Metro xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Alfre xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +573136 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement for Paraffin Wax

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