Buy Requirement for Rice

Buyer From Korea South

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 20000 Tons
Packing Terms: 50k
Shipping Terms: Open shipment

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Korea South in the Agro and agriculture sector, looking to purchase 20,000 tons of parboiled white rice. Our buying needs include a quantity of 20,000 tons, and we prefer packaging in 50-kilogram terms. As part of our B2B sourcing requests, we are reaching out to potential suppliers to provide us with quotations for the specified product.

Purchase Specifications:
Product Name: Parboiled White Rice
Quantity: 20,000 Tons
Packing Terms: 50kg
Purchase Criteria:

We are seeking high-quality parboiled white rice to meet our B2B purchasing priorities. Suppliers should take note of our business-to-business sourcing preferences and ensure that the product aligns with our RFQ (Request for Quotation).

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Korea South
Company Name: Young xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Young xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +829102 xxxxxx

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