Buy Requirement Post - 9" Paint Roller Set

Buyer From Bangladesh

Product Category: Tools & Hardware
Buy Quantity: 500 Pieces

Requirement Details

Buyer Country: Bangladesh
Quantity: 500 Pieces
Packing Terms: To be discussed

Purchase Specification:
  • Looking to purchase 9" paint roller sets.
  • Also interested in 4" cotton refill & stands, klingspor 120 & 240 paper, 9" cotton & silk refill.
  • Specific requirements include high quality and durability.
  • Products must meet industry standards.
  • Interested manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters are invited to provide competitive quotations.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bangladesh
Company Name: M/s A xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Iftek xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +880171 xxxxxx

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