Buy Requirement for SVR3L Rubber

Buyer From Russia

Product Category: Rubber & Plastic Products
Packing Terms: Granular material, compressed into bales with polyethylene liners. Each bale net weight is form 33,33 or 35kgs

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: SVR3L Rubber
-    Buyer Country: Russia
-    Quantity: 300 Tons
-    Packing Terms: Granular material, compressed into bales with polyethylene liners. Each bale has a net weight of either 33.33 kg or 35 kg.

Purchase Specifications:
We are looking for manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can provide a quotation for the following requirements:

-    Product Name: SVR3L Rubber
-    Total Quantity Needed: 300 tons
-    Packing: The rubber should be packed as granular material, compressed into bales with polyethylene liners. Each bale should weigh either 33.33 kg or 35 kg.

Delivery Conditions:
-    FOB Vietnam: Please include your location and provide the price in USD.
-    CIF Vladivostok: Please provide the price in USD.

Documentation Required:
-    Certificate of Analysis (COA)

We are interested in working with manufacturers who can meet our specific requirements for SVR3L Rubber. Please ensure that your quotation covers all aspects of our needs.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Russia
Company Name:
Logos xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Nadia xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+709265 xxxxxx

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