Buy Requirement for Snacks Iran

Buyer From Iraq

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 10000000 Piece
Packing Terms: N/A

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase Snacks Iran for our business in Iraq. Here are the details:

  • Product Name: Snacks Iran
  • Buyer Country: Iraq
  • Industry: Food & Beverage
  • Quantity: 10,000,000 pieces
Purchase Requirements:
  • We require high-quality Snacks Iran suitable for our market in Iraq.
  • The snacks should meet all necessary food safety standards and regulations.
  • Packaging should be secure to ensure product integrity during transit and storage.
  • Interested manufacturers or suppliers, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via WhatsApp for further discussion.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Iraq
Company Name: Rebin xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Rebin xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +964770 xxxxxx

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