Buy Requirement for TG Urea N46

Buyer From India

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 100 Metric Ton
Packing Terms: TT
Shipping Terms: CRF

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: TG Urea N46
-    Buyer Country: India
-    Quantity: 100 Metric Tons
-    Packing Terms: TT

We are looking for suppliers or manufacturers who can provide quotations for TG Urea N46. Below are the details of our purchasing needs:

Product Specifications:
-    Low Biuret Urea N46 is the desired type.
-    The product should meet industry standards.

Quantity Requirements:
-    We require 100 Metric Tons of TG Urea N46.

Manufacturers and suppliers are encouraged to submit their quotations for our review. We aim to establish a beneficial partnership in this purchase.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name:
Shree xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Rajes xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+919366 xxxxxx

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