Buy Requirement for Caluanie Muelear Oxidize Parteurize

Buyer From Bangladesh

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 1 Kilogram

Requirement Details

We are looking to buy 1 kilogram of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize Parteurize, a chemical product. The packaging terms can be discussed based on the supplier's options.

Purchase Specifications:
We require Caluanie Muelear Oxidize Parteurize, a specific chemical product, and need 1 kilogram of it.

Purchase Criteria:
The product must meet the specified standards and criteria for Caluanie Muelear Oxidize Parteurize.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bangladesh
Company Name: Indus xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Mamun xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +880166 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement for Caluanie Muelear Oxidize Parteurize

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