Buy Requirement - Candle Making Machines

Buyer From India

Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Buy Quantity: 5 Pieces
Packing Terms: One months
Shipping Terms: FOB

Requirement Details

We are looking to buy Candle Making Machines for our business in India. We need 5 pieces of these machines. The machines should be semi-automatic and can be from Japan, Korea, or China. We are interested in various types, including spiral candle machines, design candle machines, and plane candle machines. The packing terms should be for one month.

If you are a manufacturer, supplier, or exporter of Candle Making Machines, please provide us with a quotation for the specified quantity and specifications. We welcome competitive prices and reliable products to meet our B2B buying needs. Your response to this RFQ (Request for Quotation) will be highly appreciated.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Sahay xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Manik xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +919744 xxxxxx

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