Buy Requirement for CAT.5e UTP 8P/8C Modular Plug

Buyer From India

Product Category: Electronics & Electrical
Buy Quantity: 600000 Piece

Requirement Details

We are a buyer based in India looking for CAT.5e UTP 8P/8C Modular Plugs in the field of Electronics & Electrical. Our purchase requirement is 600,000 pieces. The primary focus is on obtaining high-quality connectors.

Additionally, we have a simultaneous need for CAT5e UTP LAN cables. Please provide quotations for the modular plugs, considering the quantity mentioned. Feel free to reach out for further details and discussions.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Aaviz xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: sarat xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +918921 xxxxxx

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