Purchase Requirement for Cavendish G9

Buyer From India

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 10000 Kilogram
Packing Terms: Boxes
Shipping Terms: Cif

Requirement Details

Quantity Needed: 10,000 Kilograms
Packing Terms: Boxes

Purchase Specifications:

  • Looking for Cavendish G9 bananas, specifically raw quality and required quantity.
  • Interested in direct suppliers or manufacturers.
  • Packaging should be in boxes.

Purchase Criteria:

  • Seeking Cavendish G9 bananas for agricultural purposes.
  • Prefer suppliers who can fulfill bulk orders.
  • Quality and freshness are top priorities.

B2B Buying Needs:

  • In need of a reliable source for Cavendish G9 bananas in India.
  • Bulk purchase required for agricultural use.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Bihan xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Nikhi xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +917014 xxxxxx

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