Buy Requirement - Chicken feet 35-50 gr and chicken paws +30 gr

Buyer From Israel

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 100 Kilogram
Shipping Terms: Should be approved to China

Requirement Details

We're looking to buy Chicken feet (35-50 grams) and Chicken paws (+30 grams) for our business in Israel. We need 100 kilograms of these products. As we're in the Food industry, the quality and specifications are crucial.

Purchase Specifications:

  • Chicken Feet: 35-50 grams
  • Chicken Paws: +30 grams

Quantity: 100 Kilograms

Packing Terms:
The products should be properly packed and come with essential documents, including Health Certificate, Certificate of Origin, Batch Certificate, No-Wood Declaration, Packing List. Additionally, please ensure the packages include the plant number, inner and outer labels, and production date.

We welcome offers from any origin that meet these criteria. If you can fulfill this requirement, kindly provide a quotation.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Israel
Company Name: Hot P xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Dayan xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +972546 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Chicken feet 35-50 gr and chicken paws +30 gr
  • Buy Requirement - Chicken feet 35-50 gr and chicken paws +30 gr
  • Buy Requirement - Chicken feet 35-50 gr and chicken paws +30 gr
  • Buy Requirement - Chicken feet 35-50 gr and chicken paws +30 gr

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