Buy Requirement - Cleaning Products

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 500000 Tons
Packing Terms: Rubber
Shipping Terms: Monthly

Requirement Details

We are a buyer based in the United States seeking to purchase a large quantity of cleaning products. Our requirement includes various hygienic cleaning items such as floor cleaning liquids, kitchen cleaners, hand washes, disinfectants, sanitizers, tissues, automatic and manual tissue dispensers, soap dispensers (both automatic and manual), janitorial supplies, air fresheners, and other hygienic products.

We are looking to procure these items in bulk, approximately 500,000 tons, and prefer packing terms involving rubber materials. Interested manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters are invited to provide quotations for the mentioned products based on the provided specifications.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name: Lawan xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Lawan xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +192963 xxxxxx

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