Buy Requirement for Cocoa Butter Substitute

Buyer From Iran

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 20 Tons

Requirement Details

Our company, based in Iran, is looking to purchase a significant quantity of Cocoa Butter Substitute for our Agro and agriculture business line. We are in need of 20 tons of this product. Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters capable of fulfilling this order are invited to provide a quotation.

Product Details:

  • Product Name: Cocoa Butter Substitute
  • Quantity Required: 20 Tons

Purchase Specifications: We are seeking high-quality Cocoa Butter Substitute to meet the demands of our Agro and agriculture sector. The product must adhere to industry standards, ensuring it is suitable for our business needs.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Iran
Company Name: Farda xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Elham xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +980993 xxxxxx

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