Buy Requirement for Cold Rolled and Galvanized Steel Strips

Buyer From Bulgaria

Product Category: Electronics & Electrical
Buy Quantity: 80 Tons

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: Cold Rolled and Galvanized Steel Strips for Power Cables
-    Buyer Country: Bulgaria
-    Quantity: 80 Tons

We are looking for manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can provide quotations for cold rolled and galvanized steel strips for power cables. Please refer to the details below for our purchase specifications:

Packing Terms:
-    Rolls ID: 200-300 mm
-    Outer Diameter (OD): 550 - 690 mm

Thickness options:
-    0.2 mm
-    0.3 mm
-    0.5 mm
-    0.8 mm
-    Width: 15 - 60 mm

Purchase Criteria:
-    Suppliers must be located in the EU.
-    All quotations should meet our specifications and standards.
-    Delivery timeframes should be clearly stated.
-    Pricing must include all costs, including shipping and handling.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bulgaria
Company Name:
Elkab xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Petko xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+359088 xxxxxx

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