Buy Requirement - Comfortable Bedsheet

Buyer From Canada

Product Category: Textiles Leather & Jute
Buy Quantity: 5000 Sets
Packing Terms: Standard international packing
Shipping Terms: With in 45 to 60 days

Requirement Details

We are in Canada and we need comfortable bedsheets. We want 5000 sets of them. These bedsheets should come in standard international packing. We're looking for home textiles, especially comfortable bedsheets.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Canada
Company Name: Dipas xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Vicky xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +141645 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Comfortable Bedsheet
  • Buy Requirement - Comfortable Bedsheet
  • Buy Requirement - Comfortable Bedsheet
  • Buy Requirement - Comfortable Bedsheet

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