Buy Requirement - Construction Engineering Equipment and Supplies

Buyer From United Kingdom

Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Buy Quantity: 80000000 Units
Packing Terms: Supplies

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: Construction Engineering Equipment and Supplies
-    Buyer Country: United Kingdom
-    Quantity Required: 80,000,000 Units
-    Packing Terms: Supplies

We are looking to purchase construction engineering equipment and supplies. Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can meet the following criteria are invited to submit a quotation:

-    Product Name: Construction Engineering Equipment and Supplies
-    Quantity: 80,000,000 units
-    Packing Terms: Supplies

Purchase Criteria:
-    Quality: Ensure the equipment and supplies meet industry standards.
-    Delivery: Provide details on delivery times and logistics.
-    Pricing: Submit competitive quotes for bulk orders.
-    Certifications: Include any relevant certifications and quality assurances.

Please contact us with your profile and presentation if you can meet these requirements.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Kingdom
Company Name:
Jon T xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Jon T xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+447775 xxxxxx

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