Buy Requirement - Copper and Aluminum Un Metal

Buyer From India

Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Buy Quantity: 10 Tons
Packing Terms: Wooden box
Shipping Terms: Cif

Requirement Details

Buyer Details:

  • Country: India
  • Product or Business Line: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
  • Quantity Required: 10 Tons
  • Packing Terms: Wooden Box

Purchase Specifications: We are in search of reliable manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can provide us with high-quality Copper and Aluminum Nonferrous Metal. Our buying needs include 10 tons of this essential material used in Machinery & Industrial Supplies. The preferred packing terms are wooden boxes.

Contact Information: Buyer Location: Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Mundaa Port

If you can fulfill this requirement, kindly reach out to us. Your quotations are welcome.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Shri xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Vishn xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +918209 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Copper and Aluminum Un Metal

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