Purchase Requirements - Cork Fabric

Buyer From Algeria

Product Category: Textiles Leather & Jute
Buy Quantity: 1000 Pieces

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase cork fabric for our business in Algeria. Please provide quotations based on the following details:

  • Product Name: Cork fabric
  • Quantity: 1000 pieces
  • Destination: Algeria

Detailed Requirements:

  • Cork fabric must be of high quality and suitable for manufacturing purposes.
  • Preferably in sheets or rolls, ready for industrial use.
  • It should meet international standards for durability and sustainability.
  • Samples may be required for initial evaluation before placing a bulk order.
  • Competitive pricing with bulk order discounts will be appreciated.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Algeria
Company Name: Cic xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Halim xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +213770 xxxxxx

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