Buy Requirement for CRUDE Jatropha Oil

Buyer From Brazil

Product Category: Energy & Power
Buy Quantity: 01 Tons
Packing Terms: Drums
Shipping Terms: Fib

Requirement Details

Purchase Specifications:

  • Looking to purchase CRUDE Jatropha Oil for biodiesel production.
  • Need 01 ton of the product.
  • Packaging required: Drums.

Purchase Criteria:

  • Seeking CRUDE Jatropha Oil suitable for biodiesel use.
  • Quality is a priority for effective biodiesel production.
  • Timely delivery to Barraquilla, Brazil is essential.

B2B Sourcing Requests:

  • Interested in quotes from manufacturers or suppliers of CRUDE Jatropha Oil.
  • Prefer suppliers capable of delivering to Barraquilla, Brazil.
  • Requesting competitive pricing for trial order of 01 ton.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Brazil
Company Name: Montc xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: DJALM xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +555511 xxxxxx

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