Buy Requirement - Diesel Generator, Air Condition machine, Construction equipment

Buyer From Bangladesh

Product Category: Construction & Real Estate
Buy Quantity: 135 Units
Packing Terms: Export worthy packing
Shipping Terms: FOB

Requirement Details

We are a government-registered importer and international trading house based in Bangladesh, seeking reliable manufacturers and suppliers for our Construction & Real Estate business line. We are in need of the following products:

  1. Product Name: Diesel Generator

    • Quantity: 135 Units
    • Packing Terms: Export-worthy packing
  2. Product Name: Air Condition Machine

    • Quantity: 135 Units
    • Packing Terms: Export-worthy packing
  3. Product Name: Construction Equipment

    • Quantity: 135 Units
    • Packing Terms: Export-worthy packing

Purchase Specifications:

  • We require products suitable for the Construction and real Estate industry.
  • All items must meet export-worthy packing standards.

Buyer Information:

  • Country: Bangladesh

About Us: We are a government-registered importer and international trading house with a focus on Construction Machinery, Air Conditioners, Diesel Generators, and related accessories. Manufacturers and suppliers capable of meeting our bulk order requirements are invited to provide competitive quotations.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bangladesh
Company Name: Globa xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Swapa xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +880167 xxxxxx

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