Buy Requirement for Diesel Medical Waste Incinerator

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Health & Medical
Buy Quantity: 5 Units
Packing Terms: Company Original Packaging
Shipping Terms: Ex-works or FOB

Requirement Details

We are a buyer based in the United States, looking for a reliable manufacturer, supplier, or exporter of Diesel Medical Waste Incinerators. Our business operates in the Health & Medical sector, and we require 5 units of Diesel Medical Waste Incinerators. The preferred packing terms include the use of the company's original packaging.

Purchase Specifications: We are specifically seeking Diesel Medical Waste Incinerators with a capacity of 300Kg/Hr, tailored for medical applications. Payment will be made in advance as per our purchasing policy.

Purchase Criteria:

  • Product Name: Diesel Medical Waste Incinerator
  • Quantity: 5 Units
  • Packing Terms: Company Original Packaging
  • Capacity: 300Kg/Hr
  • Payment Terms: In advance

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name: Draku xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Drai xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +172057 xxxxxx

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