Buy Requirement for Fendi sneakers and shoes

Buyer From Nigeria

Product Category: Apparel & Fashion
Buy Quantity: 5 Units
Packing Terms: Premium
Shipping Terms: Secured

Requirement Details

We need Fendi sneakers and shoes. Our business is based in Nigeria, and we're looking for 5 units of high-quality products in the Apparel & Fashion category. The items should meet international standards seamlessly, catering to both men and women.

Purchase Specifications:

  • Product: Fendi sneakers and shoes
  • Quantity: 5 units
  • Packing Terms: Premium
  • Buyer Country: Nigeria
  • Product/Business Line: Apparel & Fashion

Purchase Criteria:

  • Quality: Meeting international standards
  • Gender: Suitable for men and women

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Nigeria
Company Name: Jolon xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Omoha xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +234081 xxxxxx

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