Buy Requirement - Golden Mapple Halal chicken sausage

Buyer From United Arab Emirates

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 28 Tons
Packing Terms: 450grams per one pack for the chicken sausage
Shipping Terms: By sea

Requirement Details

We are in search of Golden Mapple Halal chicken sausages for our business in the United Arab Emirates. We require a substantial quantity of 28 tons. The preferred packing terms are 450 grams per pack.

As a company based in the UAE, specializing in the import and export of fresh and frozen food, we are looking for suppliers, manufacturers, or exporters who can provide us with the specified product.

This initial purchase will serve as a trial, and we are keen to establish a long-term business relationship based on quality and reliability.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Arab Emirates
Company Name: Alnam xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Manos xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +971504 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Golden Mapple Halal chicken sausage

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